

The Pattern of Investment and Economic Development, University of Bombay, Bombay, 1967

(Note: The three books listed below are in a series of studies sponsored by the Ford Foundation dealing with the issues raised by the projected doubling of India’s 1971 population by the turn of the century, thus resulting in the coming into existence of a “Second India.”)

Second India Studies -- Industry, Macmillans, New Delhi, 1975

Second India Studies -- Services, (Jointly with Madhoo Pavaskar), Macmillans, New Delhi, 1976

Second India Studies -- Overview, Macmillans, New Delhi, 1978


Food Aid in Sub-Saharan Africa, Prepared for USAID, Washington, D.C.

Commercial Banks in Sri Lanka, Prepared for the Sri Lanka Presidential Commission on Banking and Finance, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Stock Market Research in Sri Lanka, Prepared for the Sri Lanka Securities and Exchange Commission, Colombo

A Proposal for Reform of the SDR Scheme in the International Monetary Fund, Prepared for the G-24 (Group of 24 Developing Country Members of the IMF)

Papers in Books

“Integration Between Export Compensation and Cereal Financing Under the IMF Cereal Financing Scheme” in Berck, P. and Bergman, D., (Ed) Food Security and Food Inventories in Developing Countries, CAB International, U.K. 1993 (Selected Papers Presented at the International Seminar on “Food and Agriculture” held in Israel)

“New Developments in International Monetary Systems” in R. Charles Brooke (Ed) Agriculture and International Trade, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, N.C.

“Industrial Exit – An Analytical Framework” in R.K. Koti et al (Ed)  Studies in Indian Economy (Prof. P.N. Mathur Memorial Volume), Himalaya Pubishing House, Bombay

“Skills for Future Competitiveness” in Lulla, Suresh (Ed), World Class Quality – An Executive Handbook. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co Ltd, New Delhi, 2003

Academic Journals

“Bronfenbrenner’s Simplifised Mahalanobis Model – A Comment” in Economic Development and Cultural Change, Chicago

Journal of Political Economy, Chicago

IMF Staff Papers, Washington D.C. (Six Different Articles over the period 1963-69)

Kyklos, Switzerland

World Development, Washington, D.C.

UNCTAD Journal, Paper on SDR Scheme

The Finnish Economic Journal

The Nigerian Economic Journal, Lagos

The Banker’s Monthly, London

Sankhya (The Indian Statistical Journal), Calcutta

Indian Economic Review, New Delhi

Indian Economic Journal, Bombay (Two Articles)

Commerce, Bombay

Journal of the Indian Institute of Bankers, Bombay

A large number of articles on different subjects in The Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay (as well as The Economic Weekly, the same magazine under its previous name)

Dailies & Weeklies

The Toronto Star, Toronto, Canada

The Economic Times, Bombay, Delhi, and Calcutta. Daily column on money, banking and finance under the pen-name “Analyst”, 1961-63

Signed articles on economic, political and social issues – a few during 1961-63, and once a week during 1979-84

The Times of India, Bombay, Delhi and Calcutta- Editorial Page Articles

“Second Five Year Plan: No Solution for Unemployment.” 1955

A series of weekly editorial page articles dealing with the implications of  the 1991 liberalisation and the issues facing the country in the immediate period after liberalisation.